Tarptautinės dailės kritikų asociacijos
Lietuvos sekcija

Elona Lubytė

Elona Lubytė
1982 – 1987 Lithuanian State Art Institute, the Department of Art History
1995 – 2000 Postgraduate course, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, Department of Management, PhD in social
sciences („The System of Contemporary Art and its Managemen“)
Since 2001 the lecturer at the Vilnius Academy of Arts, UNESCO Chair for Culture Management and Culture Policy, . (2009), prof. (2011).
1991- 2001 the lecturer at the first private art school, run by Jūratė Stauskaitė
Since 1987 the curator of Lithuanian contemporary sculpture
in the Lithuanian Art Museum

Takes part in the arrangement of the exhibitions, writes about Lithuanian contemporary art and art management, participates in republican and international conferences.

Since 1991 the member of AICA Lithuanian section
1998-2004 the President of AICA Lithuanian section, from 2005 – the Vicepresident.

Selected Exhibitions:
2012 Elena Urbaitytė-Urbaitis. Choices. Witness of Time: Kazys Daugėla, Jonas Mekas, Algimantas Kezys, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius (catalogue)
2010 Womans‘s Time. Sculpture and Film, National Gallery of Art, Vilnius (with Laima Kreivytė, catalogue)
2009 Mindaugas Navakas. It’s Getting Harder, Kumu
Art Museum, Tallinn
2008-2011 Vancouver Sculpture Biennale (curator of Lithuanian collection)
2006 Mindaugas Nvakas. /R-O/ works. Contemporary Sculpture Museum, Oronsk, Poland (catalogue)
Mindaugas Navakas. /R/works. Latvian National Museum or Art (with Gundega Cebere, catalogue)
2004 European Space. International Sculpture Quadriennial, Ryga (Culture 2000 supported project co-organizator, catalogue)
2003 Sculpture on Neris River. Vilnius (catalogue)
2002 On Production. National M. K. Čiurlionis Art Museum, Kaunas (catalogue)
2001 Tradition Today (with Ieva Kuizinienė). Väsby Konsthall, Stockholm (catalogue)
1997 Quiet Modernism in Lithuania (1962-1982). Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius
1994 Petras Mazūras. (Lithuanian sculptor). Contemporary Art Centre, Vilnius (catalogue)
1991 Gediminas Karalius. (Lithuanian sculptor). Contemporary Art Center, Vilnius
1988 Signs of a Man. Sculpture, drawing, photography (with Rasa Andriušytė). Klaipėda
Exhibition Hall (catalogue)

Selected Publications:

Skulptūra 1975-1990. Vilnius, Aidai, 1997. 212 p., 217 ill. (editors Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, Elona Lubytė, texts by Rasa Andriušytė, Giedrė Jankevičiūtė, Laima Kreivytė, Elona Lubytė)

Lubytė E. Tylusis modernizmas Lietuvoje / Quiet Modernism in Lithuania 1962-1982. Vilnius, Tyto Alba, 1997. 269 p., ill.

Lietuvos skulptūra 1940-1990 Lietuvos dailės muziejaus rinkiniuose. Katalogas. / Lithuanian Sculpture 1940-1990. Collections of the Lithuanian Art Museum. Catalogue. Vilnius, LDM, 1998. 140 p., ill.

Lubytė E., Melnikas B. Šiuolaikinės dailės sistema ir jos vadyba/ The System of Contemporary Art and its Managemen. Vilnius, 2001, 179 p.

Lubytė E. Major Events in Lithuanian History and Culture XX century. In: Art of the Baltics. The Struggle for Freedom of Artistic Expression under the Soviets, 1945–1991. Editors: Alla Rosenfeld, Norton T. Doodge. Wilsted and Taylor, a co-publication of Zimmerly Art Museum. 2002, p. 407-447

Lubytė E. „Kilnusis stilius“ išeivijos skulptūroje/ The „Noble Style“ In Emigre Sculpture. In: Emigres Art. Vilnius, Kultūros filosofijos ir meno institutas, 2003, p. 195-234

Lubytė E. Chantes at the Vilnius Academy of Fine Arts: The Alternative in the Post_soviet Environment. In: Art Studies between method and francy. Vilnius, Acta Academiae Arium Vilninsis, 2006. Editor by Arūnas Gelūnas, p. 141-152

Lubytė E. The Power of Decisions: the Artist and the Market / Sprendimų galia: dailininkas ir rinka. Kultūra, rinka, visuomenė. Acta Academiae Artium Vilnensis. Nr. 50. ISBN 978-9955-854-17-3, Vilnius, Vilniaus dailės akademijos leidykla, 2008, p.19-53, sudarytojos Ieva Kuizinienė, Karolina Jakaitė

Lubytė E. Lithuanian Art Museum: latest news from the „building grounds“. The Place of Art Museums in Cultural Processes: History and Prospects. In frame of the centenary program of the Latvian National Museum of Art international scientific conference. September 14-15, 2005, Riga, Latvia, ISBN 978-9984-9797-9-3. Latvian National Museum of Art, 2008, p. 48-53, anglų ir latvių k.

Lubytė E. Permainų svoris. Dailės vadyba Lietuvoje 1988-2006. Mokomoji knyga dailininkams ir tiems, kurie jiems padeda /Weight odf Chantes: The Management of Art in Lithuania from 1988 to 2006. A training aid for artists and those assisting them. Vilnius, Arx Baltic, 2008, 240 p., ill.

Lubytė E., Art in Public Urban Spaces: The Issue of Integrity in the Author‘s, Customer‘s and Public Values / Menas viešosiose miesto erdvėse: kūrėjo, užsakovo ir publikos vertybių sandraugos klausimas, In: Urbanistika ir Architektūra, 2011 35 (1), p. 38-50 su il., ISSN 1392-1630, prieiga per internetą: http/

Lubyte, E. 2011. Editor. Vieno projekto apkalta. VEKS 2009 Viešųjų erdvių humanizavimo programos Neries krantinės skulptūrų istorija. AICA Lietuvos sekcija, VDA UNESCO kultūros vadybos ir kultūros politikos katedra, sudarė E.Lubytė, p. 286. /Impeachment of One Project. Vilnius European Capital of Culture 2009. History of the project of Vilnius sculpture on the right embankment of the river Neris (objects by Robertas Antinis “Puskalnis” (Semi-Hill), Mindaugas Navakas “Dviaukštis” (Two –Storey), and Vladas Urbanavičius “Krantinės arka” (The Embankment Arch)